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SPI Arnhem
Tournament Signup

















* means text is requested in this field. 
To start:
I HAVE to have your name and email!!!!

Your Name*:

Your E-Mail Address*:

First game - side preference?

(I will try to make this work, but will ask you to be flexible.

Tourney Outline:

Turns will be exchanged by VASSAL log files.

You have 3 full days to response to a move.
You can respond sooner, but the 3 day turnaround means a full game-turn will be finished each week.

It is expected that people with limited and NO VASSAL experience may sign up to "learn the ropes." 
So if you have no patience helping newbies learn VASSAL, this might NOT be the tourney for you!

We will play Scenario 1, the Historical Deployment.
Link to Rules Here Rules

There was also Errata for this game.
Link to Errata Here Rules

Add any comments below you think I should know - like your level of experience with the game, or with VASSAL. 

Or - if you aren't sure you are ready to sign up, but want to ask questions - ask below!

But I will need your email address to write you back!

 (Use Save Link As to download these)


Game Rules: LINK


Errata LINK


VASSAL Module v1.1 (Original SPI Look) LINK


VASSAL Module  v2.1 (Slightly Updated Look) LINK

Add any comments below *:

  <--  Click this button to submit answers!


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